
Showing posts from January, 2020

Corrida de toros πŸƒ

With today's post we will return to Spanish culture again. So what exactly is Corrida de toros ? This is a traditional bull fight and for sure most people associate Spain with this spectacle.  It is difficult to point out who actually started the custom of public fighting people with bulls. It is known, however, that this is one of the oldest shows in the world that takes place to this day. It is said that it has its roots in ancient times, and even goes back to the Bronze Age.  The bullfighting season lasts in Spain from March to October. Some regions deviate from this tradition. An example is Catalonia where according to a resolution of the autonomous parliament, public bullfighting is prohibited. However, the fate of the "corrida" in the rest of Spain (especially in Andalusia and the center of the country) seems not to be at risk. Currently, it is practiced in a similar form in many Latin American countries, Portugal and southern France. Bullring arenas