
Showing posts from March, 2020

45 RPM! 🎸

Hello everyone! How's going your quarantine days? I hope that you're good, that you try to be positive and use this "free" time in an entertaining way. Why free in quotation marks? Because as you know, we don't have much free time. Since we have online classes I feel like the professors give us even more homework to do than normal. But what can we do... Nothing. Such a student life.  However, from all this learning stuff and lots of tasks to do, you can take a day of break and use it to relax or watch some cool movies or series. Today I would like to recommend you one of the best TV series that I've ever seen. This is of course a Spanish production, in general I have to admit that I like Spanish films and series. The title is "45 RPM". The action takes place in Madrid in the 1960s. The main plot concerns the founding of a rock&roll label by a producer Guillermo Rojas with the help of the guy who begin his singer's career and a girl who u

Are u afraid?

I don't know about u, but I'm really scared and I'm afraid that all this will last longer than a month or two. I'm not ready for it mentally yet, to be sitting all days at home, the more that the government over time introduces more and more restrictions on leaving the house. The only thing that comforts me is that I can spend more time with my parents now. On the other hand, I can't visit, or rather I try to avoid contact with my grandmothers, because I know that even unknowingly I could infect them. It's a very hard time, but fortunately we have phones, so at least in this way I can talk with them.  Generally speaking, I'm afraid and I know that it's not just me but most of us. I'm afraid that it will last a long time. Each of us had so many plans, in my case it was a trip to Spain, but in the meantime there could be another ones (as I mentioned, I love travelling). Now everything is so uncertain, it's not known when will come the end of t

#stayathome 🏑

As I've already written in the previous post, we live in the era of coronavirus. Due to bans and restrictions imposed by the state, we are forced to stay at home. Some think it's good, others the opposite. Personally, I'm the one in between. In the "free time" that we have now a lot, we can finally slow down and move away from this daily race. This is the period when each of us should sit down, think about some things and, above all, do something for ourselves. On the other hand, due to the closure of universities, it's very likely that we will have to catch up on a later date. It's a matter that makes me feel worried because at the beginning of July I am going to work to Spain. I hope that the situation will improve and I will be able to go without any problem. In today's post I also want to share with you ideas referring to what you can do at home during quarantine. I don't know if you have already heard or seen on Facebook or Instagram h

The end of the world? 😷

Currently, the whole world lives with only one terrifying subject, which is coronavirus. For some it's already a very boring and hackneyed issue, because how much can you hear about this one and the same, on the radio and on TV... But let's be honest... None of us probably thought that the virus from China would come to Europe and would begin to spread rapidly. At first I was calm because the virus was present in distant countries, far away from Poland. But unfortunately, over time, it began to appear in ever closer places, until it reached us.  Everything would be quite good if the countrymen of each country became more responsible. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the fact that without being sick or having symptoms there is a possibility of being a carrier of the disease. People who traveled from China to Europe some time ago didn't exercise this caution and the situation now looks like it looks. And I'm very sorry about that (I think not only me) beca

Fear of death πŸ’€

Have you ever wondered what your death will look like or what awaits you when it happens? Does exist an afterlife? Is there another world somewhere? Ordinary people don't think about it in their daily routine, but there are also those who can't stop doing it. For this reason, arose the concept of thanatophobia, which is used as a name of the fear of death.  As I've already mentioned, many of us don't think about when our existence on earth will end. However people with thanatophobia do it and because of thinking about it excessively, they introduce anxiety into their lives. None of us likes to live in constant worry and fear of various things, situations and even more so of something unknown. So imagine what people with this disease experience (I think we can call it some kind of defect), often and maybe every day thinking about how they will die and when it will happen. It must be very bothersome for them and I guess that most of them feel powerless at these m