It's Halloween time! 🎭

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays celebrated not only in Poland but all over the world. Although it is considered a pagan festival and criticized by the Catholic church, its observance has become part of many cultures. For children it's the most anticipated day of the year. It's a chance for them to dress up as their favorite characters from cartoons and films. And we can say that not only for children because some adults also love to celebrate this day. Sometimes even more than kids. They spend a lot of time looking for costumes and doing makeup for the party. 

Halloween celebrations precede the festival of the dead. The last day of October is used as an opportunity to have fun. Many traditions are associated with the celebration of this day. One of them is organizing huge events in clubs and discos. The busiest parties on this occasion are held in Great Britain, Ireland and the United States. In many cities abroad are organized colorful processions along the main streets. Decorating houses inside and outside is also a popular thing. People spend a lot of money to make this day special in terms of decor. The most popular Halloween element are pumpkins that you can make by yourself or buy in stores. Preparing it at home makes this holiday unusual and more fun.

On Halloween, children dressed as witches, ghosts or other characters leave the house to get as much sweet as possible. But not only for sweets, after all, fun counts also! The kids walk in small groups from house to house, knocking on the door of their neighbors calling "Trick or treat". If the household members have no candy for them, they should be prepared for a little treat, for example- painting the door with chalk. They usually go to houses decorated in some way because then they know that their owners celebrate this day as much as they do. In the United Kingdom, in order to avoid misunderstandings, people post cards on the door on the last day of October saying that they don't want to participate in Halloween plays. Apple boobing is also popular during meetings. It involves biting an apple floating in water without using your hands. If someone succeeds, it will bring happiness in the coming year. Often candles are used in games, as well as various types of divination.

When I was younger I loved to spend Halloween with my friends. October always associated me with this holiday and from the very beginning of the month I was thinking about my disguise. I usually bought something on the Internet for this occasion or looked for clothes in stores that would make my costume unique. I always did my make-up by my own or with the help of my friends. When evening came, we all made an appointment in one of our houses and from there we went on the "hunt" for candies. There was one evening I will never forget. I went with a friend to one of my neighbors. We thought that she was celebrating Halloween. We rang the door, but nobody opened it. So my friend decided to spill ketchup outside. And suddenly someone opened... It was my neighbor! She got angry and started shouting at us so we started running away. It was fun for us, but for her... She probably had to clean all of it the next day. 

Now I'm at such an age that Halloween doesn't make any impression on me. But if I have the opportunity to dress up as my favourite caracter and spend a good time with my friends, why not!


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