Merry Christmas! πŸŽ…πŸŽ„

We already have Christmas this week! How time flies... Throughout the year we are waiting for this magical time which we always spend in a family circle, all together at one table. Due to the fact that our family members live far away from us on a daily basis, this is the only time when we can have a laugh together or talk, so we have to take the most of it. 

In Poland, Christmas Eve according to tradition begins with the appearance of the "first star in the sky". This is a reference to the Bethlehem Star heralding the birth of Jesus. The supper begins with a prayer and reading of a passage from the Bible regarding to His creation. Later everyone present breaks the wafer and makes wishes to each other. The table is always prepared for all gathered people, however, there is always one additional place setting for an unexpected guest. An important element is also the placement of 12 dishes that refers to the number of apostles, although some families say it is associated with 12 months of the year. After eating delicious food, everyone in the group sings Christmas carols until Santa appears with presents! Of course, the greatest fun have kids who still believe in Santa Claus, because for adults it's just a moment of small gifts from each other. 

Don't forget about the solemn mass called Midnight Mass because it is celebrated at midnight. During the Midnight Mass, all church bells in Poland ring loudly, sublime church songs and carols are sung, especially "God is born", announcing the beginning of Christmas. These are magical moments to glorify the name of the great Lord. 

And now I'm going to help my mother in the preparations, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


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