Healthy lifestyle?! πŸ’ͺ

I wrote recently about the changes that I want to make in my life, I decided that one of them will also be healthy food! Healthy eating has never been my strong side, but now I am fully motivated. One of my motivations is my mother who recently started her diet. The fact is that the diet she has, is to lose weight. I don't feel such a need and don't think that I have to lose any additional kilos, but I want to start eating healthy, at fixed times and not snacking sweet. With snacking sweets it will be hard because I'm addicted to them (who doesn't love sweets?!), but I will try to change them for some nice, healthy snacks!

In addition to healthy eating, sleep and daily exercise are important. Sleep promotes the regeneration of our body, thanks to the right amount of sleep, we wake up in the morning rested, with new energy to work. On hard and full of work days it is difficult to get enough sleep, but we have to try to make it sufficient for our organism. I have been sleeping badly lately, I don't know why, but I often cannot fall asleep. I hope it will get better. 

And finally our beloved exercises! I know that many people don't like any type of movement, etc. I also didn't like it, but to tell the truth, I feel so much better after them! Remember that to do a few exercises you don't need a large gym with equipment. You can just stay at home and work out alone or with your favorite youtube trainer. What's more, you don't have to leave the house and you save money. Believe me that a little bit of movement will make you feel much better!


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