Trying to create new habits πŸ‘€

Because of all this coronavirus, I have so much time to think (probably too much) that I decided to look a little bit more at my habits. I am a person who doesn't adapt easily to change so it's always difficult to wean me from some things. As now I have found motivation to act, I want to try to get used myself and my body to new wonts in small steps. At the beginning it will be difficult, but I'm very curious if I am able to change anything. For sure I will let you know how everything goes. 

I decided that one of my resolutions would be doing sports. I used to like running in the forest, but the current situation doesn't allow it. However, it doesn't bother me, because I can always do some exercises at home. It is said that it's better to exercise in the morning after waking up, but I will be doing it in the evenings.

My another bad habit is taking a nap during the day. I'm not sure exactly what it results from, however, even when I sleep 8 hours a day, it happens that I am very tired. Maybe the reason are very strong pills that I take for acne, never mind, I want to work on it anyway.

And the last thing I want to change is to browse the phone at bedtime, or rather stop doing it. Watching a lot of things before sleep stimulates my brain and after that I can't fall asleep. I think that maybe instead of browsing something on the phone I could read a book that would relax me.

That's it for now, the best is to start doing all of this step by step, to not lose the enthusiasm for action. Keep your fingers crossed! 


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